
Our Conductor: Brian Cardany

Dr. Brian Cardany is the Director of Bands at the University of Rhode Island where he conducts the Wind Ensemble, Concert Band and Alumni Wind Ensemble, directs the athletic bands, and teaches courses in music education and conducting. In addition to serving as Conductor and Musical Director for The American Band, Cardany also holds similar positions with the Ocean State Pops Orchestra and the South County Chamber Orchestra.

Dr. Cardany’s scholarly work includes presentations at the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic and the MENC Eastern Division Conference, and he has contributing author for three volumes of the Teaching Music Through Performance in Band series published GIA Publications.  He is also has been active as a clinician, guest conductor, and adjudicator throughout much of the Northeast.

Dr. Cardany holds a Bachelor’s degree in music education from James Madison University, and both Master’s and Doctor of Music Arts degrees in music education (conducting cognate) from Arizona State University.  Before arriving at the University of Rhode Island, Dr. Cardany taught instrumental music in Maryland and Virginia and worked as a four-year graduate teaching assistant in the band program at Arizona State University. He is a member of the College Band Directors National Association, the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles, the National Association for Music Education, and the Rhode Island Music Educators Association, and is a sponsor for the Theta Upsilon chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Our Musicians


Brian Cardany


Assistant Conductor

Dalen Favali



Pamela Harley



Noveline Beltram

Lucinda Ladd

Elizabeth Beltram

Diana Sykes

Emma Marshall

Scott Travers

Anne Diamond

Matthew Masse

Mikayla Fernandez


Elizabeth Escalera

Matt Butterfield

Tyler Vanable



Talia DiCastanzo

Nicholas Bradley


Eb Clarinet

Katelain Tavares



Bethany Daley

Patricia Marshall

Vincent Mattera

Anthony Amitrano

Kathy Vallee

Marc Blanchette

Samantha Hackenson

Brandon Winrich

Stephanie Storch

Autumn Casey

Maria Saleem

Kathryn Schionning

Mary Ann Hall

Robert Naparstek

Bass Clarinet

Barbara Audette

Stacey Snow


Alto Saxophone

Joyce Harrington

Corey Beltram

Owen Placido


Tenor Saxophone

Emanuel Sousa

Dan Pedro


Baritone Saxophone

Martha Ryan

Mary Larsen

Trumpet *rotated seating

Michael Audette

Robert Izzo

Edward Nowak

Jeffrey Pouliot

Ronald Pouliot

Nicholas Schleyer

Julie Signa

Hannah Tiner



Daniel Bryand

Dylan Marshall

Ami Fields

Rachel Sousa

Sara Weir



Gary Vallee

Ken Walmsley

Peter Crepeau

Steve Pasetti

Paul Duffy

Kevin Entwistle


Kevin Kane

Tom Kane

Matthew Thompson



Colin Kane

Todd Hassett

Rob McCarty

Scott Senerchia



Henry Morel

Eleanor Kogut

Dalen Favali

Stephen Morrison



Dalen Favali



Scott Fraser

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